
In depth guide to everything on Panopedia

Panopedia Account

Signing up for and using Panopedia is free. With your free account, you will be able to use the full features of our 360° Panotour builder.

You may register for Panopedia at

When registering, you would need to fill in your:

  1. Your first name.
  2. Your last name.
  3. A valid contact number where we can reach you.
  4. A valid email address where we will use primarily to contact you.
  5. A chosen password of no less than 8 characters.

Please be sure to read our Terms & Conditions carefully when registering.

For faster login in the future, you may also choose to register using your Facebook or Google accounts. To do so, simply click on the social sign in buttons.

After you are authenticated on Facebook or Google, we would need just your contact number and your agreement to our Terms & Conditions, and your account will be ready.