
In depth guide to everything on Panopedia

Building your Awards' Section

Your awards section will be where you Showcase the awards you have won. It will be visible on your Showcase home page, and your profile page if you decide. To show or hide the awards section on your profile page, navigate to Showcase -> Profile.

To create, edit or delete your Awards, log in and navigate to Showcase Awards, or

Each award on your Showcase comprises of:

  1. Award Image - upload an image of the award, we recommend an image of a square ratio
  2. Award Title - the name/title of the award
  3. Awarder - the agency/institution that gave you this award
  4. Number of Awards Won - a count of how many times you have won this award

Advanced Customisations

To further customise your awards section, navigate to Showcase Options Awards.

You have the following general options:

  1. Title - this sets the title for both the awards section
  2. Subtitle - the secondary title for your awards section, not mandatory

Awards Section

You may customise the look of your awards' section that will be reflected on your homepage and your profile page if enabled. You have six options here:

  1. Show On Home Page - shows or hides the awards section on your homepage
  2. Background Image - you may upload a background image here
  3. Background Colour - sets the background colour for the section
  4. Background Image Size - which you may choose how it's displayed if the image is too large for the area, or too small
  5. Background Image Repeat - this determines if the image is tiled or not, and the direction which it is
  6. Background Image Position - this determines the starting point from which the image is displayed

You may further customise how it looks with the following option:

  1. Show Stats On Home Page - this sets whether on your homepage section, the award title, awarder and number won is shown

Award Name

The award name is the most prominent text below the award image. You have four options here:

  1. Font Size - the font size is the vertical height of the characters in pixels
  2. Font Weight - the thickness of the font, do note the weights are dependent on the font family and some may not have any change
  3. Letter Spacing - the spacing in pixels between each individual characters
  4. Font Colour - this sets the colour of the text

Award Details

You may customise the text of awarder as well as the number won, with four options:

  1. Font Size - the font size is the vertical height of the characters in pixels
  2. Font Weight - the thickness of the font, do note the weights are dependent on the font family and some may not have any change
  3. Letter Spacing - the spacing in pixels between each individual characters
  4. Font Colour - this sets the colour of the text